Q: As I’ve grown older, I’ve started getting muscle cramps. What can I do about them? ~ Peter. A: Hi Peter, This is a very good question. The lack of minerals such as magnesium and calcium is the most common problem for muscle cramps. Minerals are essential for the function of our muscles as well as thousands of other processes in our body. If you don’t have enough minerals, you find that your muscles recover more slowly after a work out and get more sore and crampy in general. One of the reasons may be that you aren’t getting enough minerals from the foods you eat. The best sources are from vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables. Other great sources are from fruits, nuts and seeds, and beans. Another important factor is that our digestive function decreases as we age. This means that our body isn’t as efficient in digesting and absorbing the nutrients we obtain from our food. So even if you are eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, you may not be abso...