
Showing posts from 2014

Breast Cancer- Feel your boobies: Save your life.

CANCER. There is hardly another word that evokes such powerful emotions. Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women in the United States and the second leading cause of death. Many factors contribute to a person developing cancer. Just by being a woman, our risk increases. Even though we know some of the factors that can lead to developing cancer, there is no definitive answer as to why breast cancer develops in some women and not others. Know your body! The most important step that a woman can take to reduce the risk of breast cancer is to familiarize yourself with your body.   Monthly self breast exams are vital!   Johns Hopkins Medical center states, “Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.” If you know the normal look and feel of your breast tissue, you can more easily detect any changes and notify your doctor. This can save your life! Early...

Why do I feel off? MTHFR!

“I know there is something wrong with me but my doctor said everything is normal. I just feel off.”   This is a common theme for people suffering from a variety of symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, undiagnosed mood disorders, chronic allergies, and digestive disorders like IBS. More and more research on chronic disease is now pointing to a mutation of the MTHFR gene. MTHFR polymorphisms, or gene mutations, have been linked to infertility, certain cancers, migraines, birth defects, heart disease, hypertention, rheumatoid arthritis, anxiety, depression, ADHD, fibromyalgia, multiple schlerosis, alzheimer’s, chronic fatigue syndrome; and that’s the short list.   When our body’s methylation reactions are impaired, our body is unable to function optimally and protect our DNA from damage, reduce our histamine/ allergic reactions, and create strong cell membranes, protecting us from toxins and inflammation.   No, MTHFR is not a new kind of texting swear word.   MTH...

Modified Citrus Pectin- the Natural Galectin-3 inhibitor

How does cancer spread? All of our cells have a controlled, normal life cycle; a beginning and an end. Inflammation from toxins, viruses and bacteria, or just plain old stress, can cause mutations in normal cell DNA, which can disrupt the cell’s programmed cell death (apoptosis). Without this programmed end, the cell can continue to grow, i.e. forming cancer.   It doesn’t stop there. Once the cancer uses up the local resources, it can move and take over other areas. This spreading is called metastasis. One of the ways that cancer spreads is through inflammatory cell signaling.   Galectin-3 found in small amounts in normal cells.   If you have an infection, galectin-3 can cause an inflammatory reaction which calls more white blood cells into the area to help fight the infection. However, over-expression of galectin-3, especially on cancer cells, allows them to stick together, invade healthy tissue, and grow by making new blood vessels to take in more nutrients. ...