Breast Cancer- Feel your boobies: Save your life.
CANCER. There is hardly another word that evokes such powerful emotions. Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women in the United States and the second leading cause of death. Many factors contribute to a person developing cancer. Just by being a woman, our risk increases. Even though we know some of the factors that can lead to developing cancer, there is no definitive answer as to why breast cancer develops in some women and not others. Know your body! The most important step that a woman can take to reduce the risk of breast cancer is to familiarize yourself with your body. Monthly self breast exams are vital! Johns Hopkins Medical center states, “Forty percent of diagnosed breast cancers are detected by women who feel a lump, so establishing a regular breast self-exam is very important.” If you know the normal look and feel of your breast tissue, you can more easily detect any changes and notify your doctor. This can save your life! Early...