Back to School Health Essentials

What are the best non-sugary back to school drinks to keep your kids hydrated?
Water is still the best way to go instead of juice or Gatorade.  Help your child swap out sugary drinks for water by giving them a cool bottle to take to school. Check out for environmentally conscious water bottles. Skip the plastic kind and you’ll be doing your part for the environment.  If your children participate in sports, they may need an electrolyte drink to help replenish what they lost during practice or playing in the heat.

What are the best electrolyte drinks for very active kids?
Gatorade and other purported sports drinks are unhealthy for children. They are filled with high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavoring, and dyes.  If you want all of that in your children, you should give them a candy bar. Instead, you can send your kids with a bottle of home made electrolyte drink or choose from these healthy options:

  • Smart Water by Glaceau
  • Whole Foods 365 Electrolyte water
  • Trader Joes Electrolyte water
  • Coconut water

It’s still burning hot in the desert in August. How can I make a sugar-free electrolyte drink for my kids for sports practice?
It turns out that two tablespoons of lemon juice contain almost exactly the amount of potassium in 8 oz of a typical sports drink. So, if you want to make your own low-carb sports drink, it's quite easy. Just mix together:
  • 1 cup (8 oz) filtered water (not carbonated)
  • 2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • small pinch of sea salt
  • Stevia (natural sugar substitute) to taste
What should I pack for a healthy balanced lunch for my kids?
An easy rule of thumb to remember is the 25-25-50 rule. 25% lean protein, 25% whole grain carbohydrate, and 50% vegetables. For example, a chicken sandwich with lettuce and whole grain bread with a side of sugar snap peas and hummus dip is a well balanced meal. Add in a snack of apple slices and almond butter, and your child is set for the day. A great tool to help pack in greens and healthy snacks is a bento lunchbox. These handy compartmentalized lunchboxes make it easy for you to pack cut veggies, salads and other nutritious lunch options. Go to for some examples.

Answers provided by Dr. Sonja Fung of Live Well Clinic in La Quinta. If you have a health related question you would like addressed in a future please email

Live Happy, Live Well.  78900 Avenue 47 Suite 102 La Quinta, CA. 760-771-5970


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