Celebrate World Hypnosis Day at Live Well Clinic!

Have you ever wanted to know the truth about Hypnosis????

Well now you can, for World Hypnotist Day: Jan 4th 2013.

On Friday, Jan. 4 at 3-4:30pm & Saturday, Jan. 5 at 12-1:30pm there is a lecture with a free demonstration of Hypnosis in the form of HypnoMeditation at Live Well Clinic in La Quinta.

Yes this is your chance to hear the Truth about something that could change your life …. or save your life if you’re a smoker.

You have heard that Hypnosis works for smoking cessation, weight reduction, fears and phobias, public speaking, anxiety/stress, painless child birth, bed wetting, sales or grade improvement, and many other behaviors.

Hypnosis is a simple, natural state that we are in or pass through many times throughout the day. Hypnosis is not to be confused with truth serum.  You will not share information like your pin number, just because you are in hypnosis.  You will not be unconscious or asleep.  Hypnosis is only a state of focus or concentration.  In this focused state, we allow ourselves to be open to suggestions. This is not to be confused with being gullible, for they are not the same at all. 

Unfortunately, there is too much mis-information which creates fear and resistance: that is the purpose of World Hypnosis Day to give education and information about hypnosis.  See for yourself and hear with your own ears what hypnosis really is and is not.  If you choose to stay for the free demo you can feel for yourself the simple natural state of hypnosis: that peace… that relaxation… that wellbeing.  Please call to reserve a space so we have enough chairs to accommodate all who want to know the truth about Hypnosis.

Lectures by Michael Myers- Hypnotherapist

Live Well Clinic
78900 Avenue 47, Ste 102
La Quinta, CA 92253


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